Laughter and books make life a little easier

Posts tagged “new year

Twenty sixteen

cover 1 2 3 4

Good riddance.



Rethinking what’s really important


Well, well, where have I been? Actually, I haven’t been anywhere. I’ve been hiding from anything that resembles work or social media. This was quite unplanned as I had so many ambitious ideas for December. Then I was forced to retreat and evaluate my approach to my life when I realised how unenthusiastic I was feeling about my own plans.

Now I’m back with possibly the least original post title I’ve ever written, but hey. I had my whole life to think about. There was no time left to think about creative titles.

4 things learnt in 2014

4 things learnt in 2014

2014 has really not been my year. It contained way more lows than highs. Actually it’s even hard for me to think of a high for the year. It’s a lot easier to think of a lot of lows, though I’m not sure if that’s due to a complete lack of highs or just due to my general grumpiness.

But just because it’s been a sucky year that doesn’t mean that I didn’t learn anything. That’s what it’s about in the end, right? Every year, whether good or bad, we learn new things and, hopefully, become better people.

So here is my list of things I learnt this year. I promise it doesn’t include “don’t sweat the small stuff”. 😉



Quote Saturday: Leaving the new year’s wishes to Neil Gaiman…

New Year's Wishes

Disillusionment and perspective

Summer holidays


Capturing December Days 21-31 and 2012 in review

Here follows the final batch from the “Capturing December” challenge and then some reminiscence about the year 2012.

December challenge3 (more…)