Laughter and books make life a little easier

Things that are slightly interesting that I forgot to say

So after Wednesday’s long, rambling, text part of the post, there were still several things that I’d forgotten to say. In fact, these things were probably more important than my complaints about ineffective call centres, but they are still not very important. This is, therefore, just a general blog-housekeeping post. Let us hope that it is more effective than my real housekeeping. If you don’t believe me, have a look at the mess of homework that’s on my bed right now.

I'd been sitting and working there were the cover is (more) wrinkled.

I’d been sitting and working there where the cover is (more) wrinkled.

Yeah, postgrad year is definitely not undergrad. It is possible to make that distinction by the sheer amount of reading that I have to do.

  1. Still related to university and my amount of homework, I’m going to have to change my blog post day. I posted on Mondays last year, because I did not have class on Mondays (and it was awesome, you’re allowed to be jealous). This year I have two classes on Mondays, effectively making it my busiest day. Now I don’t have classes on Wednesdays or Fridays, but I remember posting on Fridays back when I was a second-year with a very full timetable and also a newborn blogger. It was annoying posting on Fridays. Therefore, this year my official post day is going to Wednesday and very likely it will end up being Thursday quite often as we all know how good I am at consistency. 😉
    Okay, so that was actually the only thing that really mattered out of this post (and it is still only important if you like checking by on certain days). It’s right at the top so that you can skip the rest of the post now.
  2. Secondly, I would like to thank chrissantosra for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award. I’m not going to make a whole acceptance post again as I have done it several times before and it is getting repetitive. We all know I’m never repetitive and rambling! 😛 Anyway, you’re not going to need an acceptance post from me! We’re all going to be overdosed on acceptance speeches after the Academy Awards! 😆
    Seriously, if you want conciseness, you should not be reading my blog. Last week’s long story was living black-on-white-pulsing proof of that. In school I always lost marks on essays for always being over the word count. (Now I always lose marks on essays for not being over the word count. I can’t win. ;))
  3. I had a Valentine’s origami tutorial all photographed and ready and then I couldn’t post it due to, obviously, no internet. Now I don’t know what to do with it. But… I suppose I can just post it anyway. I mean, people go on dates every single second of the year and it is not just on Valentine’s Day that you might want a heart box for your… other person. Actually, I don’t even know why I am talking about this. Maybe it is just bothering me, because I don’t know what to do with this tutorial and why would I want to save it for next year?

That’s all the housekeeping for now, I think. Now I have nothing more to say, except, where is this year going? It’s almost March already and I’m still writing “2012” on all my papers.

I have to go now and finish my homework and then proceed to panic about the homework that is due on Tuesday that I haven’t done yet. This includes reading The Faerie Queene and I am just not making progress on it. It’s so hard! After that, I will proceed to blaming myself for all the time I wasted this weekend watching Lizzie Bennet Diaries when I should have been reading. You know, I might actually enjoy Jane Austen after this show. That’s a good thing. I’m going to need it later in the year…

Not looking forward to getting stuck in traffic yet again tomorrow.


4 responses

  1. I so totally missed your posts.. I really have been waiting. Anyways, this one was really really amazing as usual, 🙂 That part about writing 2012 is also a routine for me I have been doing that ever since the university re opened. And the last thing I want to say, i am really feeling envious, I have no classes off any day of the week, and the worst part, i get free from my classes at 4 minimum each day.. ;(

    February 26, 2013 at 15:35

    • Umm… thanks? 🙂
      I had insane timetables in 1st and 2nd year undergrad. 3rd year, it calmed down and if it weren’t for all of my timetable clashes, it would’ve been a breeze. Now, postgrad, we only have 4x90minutes per week, because we are focusing more on research, specializing, working alone and turning into academics, not parrots. 😉

      March 1, 2013 at 20:58

      • are you a novelist ya i have a plane to write a novel my self can you help me

        March 22, 2013 at 09:58

      • Yes, I write. Possibly, but really the only person who can help you is you. You have to start writing, because if you just plan to write a novel, you will forever be planning to write a novel. There is no “right time”, there is no waiting for inspiration to strike, you just have to start. And once you’re going you have to keep going.
        There are many websites and planners and projects and things that can help you, but the starting to write is the most important thing.

        March 22, 2013 at 22:11

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