Laughter and books make life a little easier

Posts tagged “English language

Shade removal


People really need to start making clearer advertisements. First we had plant hiring, now this. (more…)

If you come to a fork in the road



Ambiguous “plant hire”


If you ever want to start a company with the goal of providing a service people never knew they needed, I already placed dibs on this idea, okay? (more…)

A lesson in archaic pronouns


If you want to use the old forms of words, you should learn how to do it correctly.


The joy of words


I love puns and playing with words. And while a good witticism is truly an enormous amount of fun, my favourite is finding a pun in an ordinary word, whether in the form of a homophone or simply as-is.

Please, enjoy some of my favourite puns.


More literal sayings and other things

Well, hello! I hope everyone had a great week!

After my previous post on portraying the literal meanings of words turned out quite popular, I thought I might as well draw a few more. This time it is…

Taking Sayings Literally.



Don't fly off the handle!


Don't lose your temper!


Keep your hair on!


And that’s it for drawings today! But I still have a few more things up my sleeve! Or rather, up my computer fingers!


Seeing that it is (almost) the last day of March, I wanted to make a graphic representation of what my month looked like. Let me introduce…

Homework Extravaganza


Really, that 23rd truly was a nightmare day. And the 27th was not much better. Now I just want to go to sleep, but I can’t. I’ve got a few more assignments and stacks of homework waiting for me. Blargh!


However, I should hope that I was still able to laugh as I struggled through the 3rd week of March. This is what made me laugh:


Yes, those are sticky notes all round my laptop screen. It’s my references for said HUGE assignment. I stuck them there because I kept forgetting which author wrote what article and in what year. And then I had to page through everything again when I wanted to quote. That got annoying.


Lastly, I recently saw some bloggers making typography images with all the fonts that they regularly use and I thought it was a very good idea. I try to use only a handful of signature fonts in my cartoons, but if you’ve been around for a while you’d know I have a slight font obsession. So… this is mostly only for my own benefit to remember which fonts when/how/what, but maybe someone could find it useful. So I’m sharing it!

All these fonts are available as free downloads (obviously). Actually I don’t use Elven Common Speak or Lime Glory Caps in my cartoons as they are too hard to read, but I only included them because I use them in my blog signature.



Have a great weekend!
